Hypothyroidism: Causes, Sign and Symptom,Diagnosis,Treatment.

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone.
The thyroid gland is a midline structure " Butterfly Shaped" located in the anterior neck. The thyroid functions as an endocrine gland and is responsible for producing thyroid hormone and calcitonin, thus contributing to the regulation of metabolism, growth, and serum concentrations of electrolytes such as calcium.Hypothyroidism commonly affects females than male.(more common in females)
Hypothyroidism commonly affects after the age of 60, but it can begin at any age.
The thyroid gland produces two types of Hormones-
1.Highly active Triiodothyronine, which is referred to as T3. (20%)
2. Thyroxine is called T4. This is an inactive prohormone. (80%)
3. Calcitonin is released by C-cell.
( TSH is produced by pituitary gland)
( TSH is produced by pituitary gland)
[ Normally the thyroid gland produces the exact number of hormones needed to keep your body’s metabolism running and in balance. As described earlier, hormones secreted by the pituitary gland (TSH) stay constant in your blood circulation, but their levels may increase or decrease when T4 levels in the blood are changing. This hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid feedback loop keeps the levels of T4 in your blood stable and reacts to small changes immediately ].
Sign And Symptoms of Hypothyroidism:-
A symptom may vary from person to person according to age and sex.
Weight gain and Fatigue are common early symptoms.
common symptoms are-

1.weight gain.
2. slower heart rate.
3. fatigue.
4.More frequent and heavy menstrual periods
5. forgetfulness
6. dry skin and hair and puffy face.
7. hoarse voice and
8. intolerance to cold.
9.Muscle weakness, slow reflex(ankle jerk)
10. Decrease sweating.
11.Thinning of hair
12. high cholesterol
13. Pain and stiffness in joints.
In addition, hypothyroidism is often accompanied by an enlargement of the thyroid gland known as goiter.
Diagnosis and Test for Hypothyroidism-
1. Physical examination- The doctor will examine you on the basis of your symptoms like weight gain, fatigue, swelling over the neck, dry skin, Slow reflex.
a doctor may ask the family history of a person.
2.Blood Test-
- It is called the Thyroid profile Test which includes the level of T3, T4, And TSH.
- ↑TSH ↓T3 ↓T4
- If these tests show an elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and low levels of thyroid hormones, like free T4, total T3, or free T3, it may be an indication that you have hypothyroidism.
3.Imaging scan- Thyroid scanning ultrasound.
Treatment of Hypothyroidism-
- Hypothyroidism is a life long condition.
- Some patients feeling relief from symptoms while taking medicines.
- Hypothyroidism is best treated by Levothyroxine.(Eltroxin. Thyronorm, Levoxyl).
- The dose of Levothyroxine ranges from 25microgram to 200 micrograms.
- It is given to the patients on the basis of blood reports and symptoms.
- Once you start the treatment it takes several weeks to low your TSH level.
- Regular blood test and check-up are compulsory to monitor your TSH level in your body.
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